For each binding specified in the input list, a list of references to tower is obtained from which the tower representation is accessed. 对于输入列表中指定的每个绑定,获取塔的引用列表,用于访问塔表示。
And there you have it: a fully functioning CLI PHP program that accepts either user input or a list of files and randomizes the relative contents of each file. 现在您拥有这样一个程序:完全运行的CLIPHP程序,它可以接受用户输入,也可以接受文件列表并随机排列每个文件的相关内容。
Also, for each object UUID specified in the input list, command to delete them from the endpoint is made. 另外,对于输入列表中指定的每个对象UUID,执行从端点中删除它们的命令。
You can use content assist in the condition input area to view a list of available variables. 可以在条件输入区域中使用内容帮助(contentassist)来查看可用变量列表。
Then we input the list as the first parameter of the filterByPP, and input the data type as the second parameter. 然后我们输入列表作为filterByPP的第一个参数,然后输入数据类型作为第二个参数。
On a Domino form or a Web page, we can control this sort of input using a selection list, so that users cannot add arbitrary data to a restricted field. 在Domino表单或Web页面中,可以使用选择列表来控制此类输入,这样用户就无法向受限制的字段中添加随机数据类。
If a list is found that corresponds to the input word, the list is returned to the client, otherwise a null is returned. 如果发现与输入单词相对应的列表,那么该列表将被返回给客户机,否则将返回null。
Unlike DataStage stages, assembly steps can iterate lists that can reside in any level of the hierarchical input and produce output that is contained in the input list they iterate. 与DataStagestages不同的是,程序集步骤可以迭代可位于分层输入任何层次的列表,且生成的输出包含在它们迭代的输入列表中。
It takes as input a list of words and combines them in proper order to provide a possible service name. 它将词语清单作为输入,并对其按适当的顺序进行组合,作为服务的可能名称。
If the user presses Enter, the current item should be copied to the input control and the suggestion list hidden. 如果用户按下Enter键,当前项应复制到输入控件中,输入列表将隐藏。
It takes as input a list of order items that have not yet been shipped, as well as a reference to the customer who placed the order. 它取得尚未运送的定购商品的列表和定购的客户的引用(列表和引用都是它的输入)。
As soon as a flow instance finishes processing its input file, it returns to the thread pool and begins work on the next input file from the list. 一旦某个流实例完成其输入文件的处理,该实例立即返回线程池,并开始处理列表中的下一个输入文件。
Processing the user's input and generating a list of suggestions is the purpose of the type-ahead functionality. 处理用户的输入并产生推荐列表示预输入功能的目标。
Unlike the corresponding system call DeviceIOControl, the input parameter list in ioctl is not fixed. 与对应的系统调用DeviceIOControl不同,ioctl的输入参数列表并不固定。
If there is not an exact match for the service input name in the Classic Registry, use the Name Parser component to parse the input service name and construct a list of constituent words. 如果在ClassicRegistry中没有完全匹配服务输入名称的服务描述,使用NameParser组件来解析输入的服务名称,然后构造一个单词组成列表。
If you have to change the input parameter list of your function, you will need to drop it yourself because Application Developer will not be able to drop and re-create it when you do the Build. 如果必须更改函数的输入参数列表,则需要自己删除该函数,因为在执行Build时,ApplicationDeveloper不能删除和重新创建函数。
The satisfy() method accepts the input list and the filter list and performs all filtering in one step. satisfy()方法接收输入列表和过滤器列表,并且在一步中执行所有的筛选操作。
A single item of the input top list contains all the lists that correspond to the input links. top输入列表中的单一项目包含与输入链接对应的所有列表。
For every person's information in the input list, we first retrieve the country name by the person's e-mail address ( line 10 of Listing 3). 对于输入列表中的每个人的信息,我们首先根据电子邮箱地址取得国家名称(清单3的第10行)。
Take a production order as input and return the list of items that need to be produced. 将一个生产指令作为输入,并返回需要生产的产品清单。
Instead of having to write separate method calls to bind each input parameter and retrieve each select list item, you can write one SQL statement that uses Java host variables. 现在无需编写不同的方法调用来绑定每个输入参数和获取每个选择列表项,而只需编写一条使用Java宿主变量的SQL语句。
For example, the input could be a list containing the words get, car, and price. 例如,输入是一个包含词get、car和price的清单。
Input is simply a list of propellant ingredients, as well as chamber pressure and nozzle exit pressure. 投入,简直是名单推进剂成分,以及商会的压力和喷嘴出口的压力。
These things run for variable amounts of time because they take input, a list of size of some amount. 而这一段的执行时间是可变的,因为它们需要输入一个包含一些元素的列表。
To change the input mask list, click the edit list button. 若要更改输入掩码列表,请单击“编辑列表”按钮。
Get the input method name list current installed. 获取当前用户使用的输入法列表。字符串列表。
This demonstrates how to append user input to the selected list box item. 这个应用程序演示了如何在选定的列表框条目中追加用户输入。
The double input/ the list output fuzzy neural network controller was carried on the PLC programming, realizing input/ output match controlling through PLC programming. 对双输入/单输出的模糊神经网络控制器进行PLC程序设计,通过对PLC编程实现输入/输出的匹配控制。
According to the planetarium mainframe control demand, has designed the planetarium partial controls flow, and list PLC an input output distribution list. 根据天象仪主机的控制需求,设计了天象仪的部分控制流程,并列出PLC的输入输出点的分配表。
The system as long as a raw video input, the output is a list of summary images and all images can be stored. 第五章设计并实现了一个视频摘要系统,该系统只要一个原始视频输入,输出即是该视频的摘要图片列表,图片可以进行存储。